- cuntas
- nm1 account, record
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Comptroller and Auditor General — is the abbreviated title of a government official in a number of jurisdictions, including the UK, the Republic of Ireland, India, and China. (Cf. list below) Other jurisdictions use the similar titles Comptroller general or auditor general to… … Wikipedia
Constitución de Irlanda — La Constitución de Irlanda (en irlandés: Bunreacht na hÉireann) es la base legal de la República de Irlanda. En la historia constitucional entre en lo que se ha denominado tradición liberal democrática. Establece un estado independiente basado en … Wikipedia Español
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions — Abbreviation INTOSAI Motto Experientia Mutua Omnibus Prodest, Mutual experience benefits all Formation 1953 Type IGO H … Wikipedia