- inniu
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Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Coláiste an Phiarsaigh — Mairimid i ré na teicneolaíochta. Tá fón póca, ríomhaire agus méid mhor uirlisí againn inniu chun an saol a dhéanamh níos éasca. Tá taithí againn go léir ar na huirlisí a chabhraionn linn ó lá go lá. Tá sé deacair orainn aon saol eile a shamhlú.… … Wikipedia
Máirtín Ó Cadhain — ([ˈmɑːrtʲiːnʲ oː ˈkainʲ]; 1906 – 18 October 1970) was one of the most prominent Irish language writers of the twentieth century. Contents 1 Career 2 Books by Máirtín Ó Cadhain 2.1 Novels … Wikipedia
Róisín Dubh (song) — Róisín Dubh, meaning Black Rose , written in the 16th century, is one of Ireland s most famous political songs. It is based on an older love lyric in which referred to the poet s beloved rather than, as here, being a metaphor for Ireland. The… … Wikipedia
Ирландия (государство) — Ирландия (Ireland), Ирландская Республика (ирл. Eire, Poblacht nа h Éireann, англ. Irish Republic). I. Общие сведения И. ‒ государство в Западной Европе, занимающее 5/6 о. Ирландия. Граничит с Северной Ирландией, входящей в состав Соединённого… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Ирландия — I Ирландия (Ireland) остров в архипелаге Британских островов. На С., З. и Ю. омывается Атлантическим океаном, на В. Ирландским морем и проливами Св. Георга и Северным, отделяющими И. от о. Великобритания. Площадь 84 тыс. км2,… … Большая советская энциклопедия
Cornish language — For the Anglo Cornish accent and dialect, see Anglo Cornish. Cornish Kernowek, Kernewek Pronunciation [kərˈnuːək] Spoken in … Wikipedia
Manx language — Manx yn Ghaelg, yn Ghailck Pronunciation [əˈɣilk], [əˈɣilɡ] Spoken in Isle of Man Native speakers … Wikipedia
Shelta — Infobox Language name=Shelta nativename=Shelta, Gammen, Sheldru, Pavee pronunciation= states=Ireland, Irish diaspora region=Used by some Irish Travellers speakers=86,000 script=Latin familycolor=Creole fam1=mixed language based on the Irish… … Wikipedia
List of newspapers in Ireland — Contents 1 Daily Newspapers 1.1 Broadsheet 1.2 Tabloid 2 … Wikipedia
Translations of The Lord's Prayer — The Lord s Prayer is a common tool used to compare languages. Since the publication of the Mithridates booksTwo examples are Mithridates de differentis linguis , Conrad Gessner, 1555; and Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Vater… … Wikipedia
An Béal Bocht — infobox Book | name = The Poor Mouth title orig = An Béal Bocht translator = Patrick C. Power author = Brian O Nolan country = Ireland language = Irish genre = Parody publisher = An Preas Náisiúnta pub date = 1941 english pub date = 1973 media… … Wikipedia