- leathar
- nm1 leather
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Cín Lae Uí Mhealláin — is an account of the Irish Confederate Wars written by Tarlach Ó Mealláin, OFM. Described as an account of the progress of the Confederate war from the outbreck of rebellion in 1641 until February 1647 its text reflected the Ulster Catholic point … Wikipedia
leather — [OE] The Indo European ancestor of leather was *letrom. It has descendants in two branches of the Indo European language family: in Celtic, Welsh lledr, Irish leathar, and Breton ler; and in Germanic, German leder, Dutch leer, 307 lend Swedish… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
leather — [OE] The Indo European ancestor of leather was *letrom. It has descendants in two branches of the Indo European language family: in Celtic, Welsh lledr, Irish leathar, and Breton ler; and in Germanic, German leder, Dutch leer, Swedish läder,… … Word origins