- muirnín
- nm4 beloved, darling, sweetheart
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
avourneen — əˈvu̇rˌnēn noun ( s) Etymology: Irish Gaelic a mhuirnīn oh, darling!, from a oh + muirnīn darling, from Middle Irish mūirnīn, diminutive of mūirn affection, joy Irish : darling, sweetheart … Useful english dictionary
Durrus and District History Modern — Durrus is an area of West Cork in Ireland. For earlier history, see Durrus and District History1900 2000 James Gilhooley M.P. and Elections 1910James Gilhooley MP (he had been a merchant in Bantry, and was jailed on a number of occaasions under… … Wikipedia
mavourneen — or mavournin [mə voor′nēn] n. [Ir mo muirnīn] Irish my darling … English World dictionary