- olann
- nf wool
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irische Dialekte — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Allgemeines 2 Phonologie 2.1 abh 2.2 adh, agh 2.3 adh (am Wortende) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Petrosomatoglyph — This footprint carved into the rock on Dunadd, in Argyll, is linked to the crowning of the Scots kings of Dál Riata. A petrosomatoglyph is an image of parts of a human or animal body incised in rock. Many were created by Celtic peoples, such as… … Wikipedia
Taille des logements — En France, la taille des logements fait l objet d une réglementation publiée dans le code de la construction et de l habitation (CCH), les normes minimales d habitabilité. Ces normes ne s imposent qu à l État et aux organismes qui dépendent de… … Wikipédia en Français
Irish declension — The declension of Irish nouns, the definite article, and the adjectives is discussed on this page. (For pronouns, see Irish morphology.)NounsGenderNouns in Irish are divided into two genders, masculine and feminine. While gender should be learned … Wikipedia
Irish verbs — Irish verb forms are constructed either synthetically or analytically.Synthetic forms are those which express the information about person and number in the ending: e.g. ga. molaim I praise , where the ending aim stands for 1st person singular… … Wikipedia
Gabriel Rosenstock — is an Irish poet and haiku writer. He was born in Kilfinane, County Limerick in 1949. He currently resides in Dublin. Rosenstock s father was a doctor and writer from Schleswig Holstein; his mother a nurse from County Galway. Gabriel was the… … Wikipedia
Gabriel Rosenstock — (* 1949 in Kilfinane, County Limerick) ist ein irischer Dichter, Prosaautor und Journalist. Leben Gabriel Rosenstock wurde in Kilfinane im County Limerick geboren. Sein Vater war ein deutscher Arzt aus Schleswig Holstein, seine Mutter stammt aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ирландский язык — Самоназвание: Gaeilge Страны … Википедия
Список праиндоевропейских корней — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Найти и оформить в виде сносок ссылки на авторитетные источники, подтверждающие написанное … Википедия
Wolle — Sf std. (9. Jh., wollameit 8. Jh.), mhd. wolle, ahd. wolla, mndd. wulle, mndl. wolle Stammwort. Aus g. * wullō f. Wolle , auch in gt. wulla, anord. ull, ae. wull, afr. wulle. Dieses aus ig. * hwḷənā f. Wolle in heth. hulana , ai. ūrṇā, gr. lẽnos… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
wool — O.E. wull, from P.Gmc. *wulno (Cf. O.N. ull, O.Fris. wolle, M.Du. wolle, Du. wol, O.H.G. wolla, Ger. wolle, Goth. wulla), from PIE *wele (Cf. Skt. urna; Avestan varena; Gk. lenos wool; … Etymology dictionary