- ordóg
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Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Ördög — An Ördög (Urdung in Old Hungarian) is a demonic creature from Hungarian mythology which personifies the dark aspects of the world. In Christian times, it was identified with the devil.[1] The Ördög is often thought to look somewhat like a faun:… … Wikipedia
Ördög-árok — Vue sur Nagykovácsi. Caractéristiques Longueur 21 km Bassin 65 km2 … Wikipédia en Français
Fièvre de Ordog — Fièvre hémorragique bolivienne La fièvre hémorragique de Bolivie (Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever), également connu sous le nom de typhus noir, la fièvre de Ordog, ou virus de Machupo, est une fièvre hémorragique et une maladie infectieuse zoonotique… … Wikipédia en Français
Hungarian mythology — includes the myths, legends, folk tales, fairy tales and gods of the Hungarians. Many parts of it are thought to be lost, i.e. only some texts remained which can be classified as a myth. However, Hungarian mythology was successfully recovered in… … Wikipedia
Csillag Születik — Logo of Csillag Születik Genre Reality show, talent show, entertainment Presented by Nóra Ördög … Wikipedia
Lidérc — A Liderc, or Lidérc, is a unique supernatural being of Hungarian folklore. It has three known varieties, which often borrow traits from one another.The first, more traditional form of the Lidérc is as a miracle chicken, csodacsirke in Hungarian,… … Wikipedia
Funeral Sermon and Prayer — The Funeral Sermon and Prayer ( hu. Halotti beszéd és könyörgés) is an old handwritten Hungarian text dating to 1192 1195. It was found on the 154a. page of the Codex Pray. The importance of the Funeral Sermon comes from that it is the oldest… … Wikipedia
Ferenc Molnar — Ferenc Molnár, 16. Februar 1941, Fotograf Carl van Vechten Ferenc Molnár [ˈfɛrɛnʦ ˈmolnaːr] (deutsch auch Franz Molnar, * 12. Januar 1878 in Budapest als Ferenc Neumann; † 1. April 1952 in New York) w … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ferenc Molnár — Ferenc Molnár, 16. Februar 1941, Fotograf Carl van Vechten Ferenc Molnár [ˈfɛrɛnʦ ˈmolnaːr] (deutsch auch Franz Molnar; * 12. Januar 1878 in Budapest; † 1. April 1952 in New York; eigentlich Ferenc … Deutsch Wikipedia
Franz Molnar — Ferenc Molnár, 16. Februar 1941, Fotograf Carl van Vechten Ferenc Molnár [ˈfɛrɛnʦ ˈmolnaːr] (deutsch auch Franz Molnar, * 12. Januar 1878 in Budapest als Ferenc Neumann; † 1. April 1952 in New York) w … Deutsch Wikipedia
Franz Molnár — Ferenc Molnár, 16. Februar 1941, Fotograf Carl van Vechten Ferenc Molnár [ˈfɛrɛnʦ ˈmolnaːr] (deutsch auch Franz Molnar, * 12. Januar 1878 in Budapest als Ferenc Neumann; † 1. April 1952 in New York) w … Deutsch Wikipedia