- os comhair
- prep before, in front of, opposite
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Carrickfergus (song) — Carrickfergus is an Irish folk song. The origins of the song are unclear, but it has been traced to an Irish language song, Do Bhí Bean Uasal , (There was a noble woman) which is attested to the poet Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Gonna who died in 1745… … Wikipedia
Críchad an Chaoilli — Críchad an Chaoilli, medieval Irish text. Contents 1 Overview 2 Authorship 3 The text 4 See also 5 … Wikipedia
Chartreuse Saint-Sauveur — Les armoiries des fondateurs présentées par des Chartreux Présentation Nom local Chartreuse Culte … Wikipédia en Français