- ar feadh
- prep during, for, for the period of, throughout
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Coláiste an Phiarsaigh — Mairimid i ré na teicneolaíochta. Tá fón póca, ríomhaire agus méid mhor uirlisí againn inniu chun an saol a dhéanamh níos éasca. Tá taithí againn go léir ar na huirlisí a chabhraionn linn ó lá go lá. Tá sé deacair orainn aon saol eile a shamhlú.… … Wikipedia
Subjunctive mood — In grammar, the subjunctive mood (abbreviated sjv or sbjv) is a verb mood typically used in subordinate clauses to express various states of irreality such as wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet… … Wikipedia
Irish declension — The declension of Irish nouns, the definite article, and the adjectives is discussed on this page. (For pronouns, see Irish morphology.)NounsGenderNouns in Irish are divided into two genders, masculine and feminine. While gender should be learned … Wikipedia
Gleanntáin Ghlas' Ghaoth Dobhair — is a Gaelic song written by Irish musician Proinsias Ó Maonaigh, (father of Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh of Altan) about his hometown of Gweedore in County Donegal. It translates as the green glens of Gweedore . The song is one of the well known Gaelic … Wikipedia
Constitutional references to God — Several national constitutions make reference to God, most often in the preamble. Such invocationes or nominationes dei are found notably in several European constitutional traditions (reflecting the strong position of established churches in… … Wikipedia
Bergfest (Film) — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Bergfest Produktionsland Deutschland … Deutsch Wikipedia