- scuab
- nf brush
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish phonology — The phonology of the Irish language varies from dialect to dialect; there is no standard pronunciation of the language. Therefore, this article focuses on phenomena that pertain generally to most or all dialects, and on the major differences… … Wikipedia
Sive — is a play by Irish playwright John B. Keane that depicts Irish rural life in the 1950s. The main character of the play is Sive, yet she rarely speaks in the play. This ultimately enhances the impact of the whole play on the audience. We get a… … Wikipedia
Máire Ní Ghuairim — (6 July 1896 15 October 1964) was an Irish teacher, author and Sean nós singer. Born in Roisin na Manach, Carna, County Galway, the eldest daughter of Mairtin Gorham and Catherine Burke. Her younger sister was Sorcha Ní Ghuairim. She was educated … Wikipedia
Брумбридж (станция) — Координаты: 53°22′21.72″ с. ш. 6°17′58.19″ з. д. / 53.3727° с. ш. 6.2995° з. д … Википедия