
nf3 delegation

Irish-English dictionary. 2013.

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  • Aosdána — (IPA2|iːs ˈdɑːnə; from aos dána , Irish people of the arts ) is an association of people in Ireland who have achieved distinction in the arts. It was created in 1981 on the initiative of a group of writers and with support from the Arts Council… …   Wikipedia

  • Saoi — (pronounced|sˠiː) (pl. saoithe ; lit. wise one ; hist. head of poetic school; master), is the highest honour that members of Aosdána, an association of people in Ireland who have achieved distinction in the arts, can bestow upon a fellow member.… …   Wikipedia

  • Alice Hanratty — (born 1939 [ [ h.html National Self Portrait Collection of Ireland] , University of Limerick] Dublin) is an Irish artist who specialises in printmaking. She studied painting and printmaking at the National College …   Wikipedia

  • Aosdana — Aosdána (von ir. aos dána = „Kunstschaffende“) ist eine Vereinigung irischer Künstler, die Rang und Namen in ihrem Arbeitsgebiet erreicht haben, und die einzige repräsentative Gesellschaft ihrer Art in Irland. Sie arbeitet ideell selbst reguliert …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aosdána — (von ir. aos dána = „Kunstschaffende“) ist eine Vereinigung irischer Künstler, die Rang und Namen in ihrem Arbeitsgebiet erreicht haben, und die einzige repräsentative Gesellschaft ihrer Art in Irland. Sie arbeitet ideell selbst reguliert, wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Anthony Cronin — (born 1925 in County Wexford) is an Irish poet. He received the Marten Toonder Award (1983) for his contribution to Irish literature. He is a founding member of Aosdána, was elected Saoi of Aosdána in 2003 and is a member of its governing body,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dermot Healy — (born 1947 in Finnea, County Westmeath, Ireland) is an Irish novelist, playwright, and poet. He has won the Hennessy Award (1974 and 1976), the Tom Gallon Award (1983), and the Encore Award (1995). In 2011, he was shortlisted for the Poetry Now… …   Wikipedia

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