- blús
- nm1 blouse
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
blus — blus·ter·er; blus·ter·ous; blus·tery; blus·ter; blus·ter·ing·ly; blus·ter·ous·ly; … English syllables
blus — sb., set, blus, sene; fuldt blus … Dansk ordbog
blus´ter|ing|ly — blus|ter «BLUHS tuhr», verb, noun. –intransitive verb. 1. to storm noisily or blow violently: »The wind blustered around the corner of the house. 2. Figurative. to talk noisily and violently: »He was very excited and angry and blustered for a… … Useful english dictionary
blus´ter|er — blus|ter «BLUHS tuhr», verb, noun. –intransitive verb. 1. to storm noisily or blow violently: »The wind blustered around the corner of the house. 2. Figurative. to talk noisily and violently: »He was very excited and angry and blustered for a… … Useful english dictionary
blus|ter — «BLUHS tuhr», verb, noun. –intransitive verb. 1. to storm noisily or blow violently: »The wind blustered around the corner of the house. 2. Figurative. to talk noisily and violently: »He was very excited and angry and blustered for a while.… … Useful english dictionary
blus|ter|ous — «BLUHS tuhr uhs», adj, = blustery. (Cf. ↑blustery) … Useful english dictionary
blus|ter|y — «BLUHS tuhr ee», adjective. blustering … Useful english dictionary
blus·tery — … Useful english dictionary
Bluse — Blus (de) … Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon
bluster — blus•ter [[t]ˈblʌs tər[/t]] v. i. 1) to roar and be tumultuous, as wind 2) to be loud, noisy, or swaggering; utter loud, empty threats 3) to force or accomplish by blustering: He blustered his way through the crowd[/ex] 4) boisterous noise and… … From formal English to slang
Blüschen — Blüs|chen, das; s, : Vkl. zu ↑ Bluse. * * * Blüs|chen, das; s, : Vkl. zu ↑Bluse (1) … Universal-Lexikon