- cistin
- nf kitchen
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
Irish-English dictionary. 2013.
cistin — cìstīn m <G mn cistína> DEFINICIJA kem. C6H12O4N2S2, aminokiselina koja sadrži sumpor, tvori se od cisteina oksidacijom, glavni je sastojak keratina ETIMOLOGIJA v. cistein … Hrvatski jezični portal
Connacht Irish — Note: This page uses the IPA to transcribe Irish. Readers familiar with other conventions may wish to see International Phonetic Alphabet for Irish for a comparison of the IPA system with those used in learners materials. The three dialects of… … Wikipedia
List of German exonyms for places in the Czech Republic — Below are links to subpages with more detailed listings of the German language names of towns and villages in different regions of the Czech Republic. Many of these German names are now exonyms, but used to be endonyms commonly used by the local… … Wikipedia
Liste deutscher Bezeichnungen tschechischer Orte — In dieser Liste werden deutschen (heute großteils nicht mehr geläufigen) topografischen Namen die tschechischen, amtlichen Pendants gegenübergestellt. Durch die Vertreibungen nach 1945 wurden viele kleinere Orte und Gehöfte, insbesondere in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cistinoza — cistinóza ž DEFINICIJA pat. urođeni poremećaj metabolizma cistina pri čemu dolazi do taloženja cistinskih kristala u tkivima ETIMOLOGIJA v. cistin + oza … Hrvatski jezični portal
cistinurija — cistinúrija ž DEFINICIJA pat. urođena, genetički uvjetovana abnormalnost metabolizma aminokiselina ETIMOLOGIJA v. cistin + urija … Hrvatski jezični portal